Location: Marana Shooting Club
11900 N Sanders Rd, Marana, AZ 85653
Fee: $200
Interstate 10, exit Avra Valley Road. Drive west to Sanders Road. Turn Rt (North) for 2 miles and you will see the white address sign 11900 N Sanders Road, MSC (Marana Shooting Club). I will also have a TakeCharge sign posted at the range entrance. DONT RELY ON YOUR GPS, it will take you in circles.
Waivers MUST BE SIGNED in order to take the class.
Next class will be posted 60 days in advance.
FOR THOSE NEW TO SHOOTING: This class is for those who do not own a firearm or own one and have limited experience. Safety and confidence is the emphasis in this class. No experience is needed. You may bring your own pistol or rentals are available. Ammunition available for purchase. We will spend a lot of time learning about a pistol, with no ammunition at first. Student/Instructor ratio is 1:1 for live fire.
Gun Rentals Available: $20
Ammunition Available: $18/50 rounds